Between the physical pain, emotional stress, and financial expenses, losing a limb can take a serious toll on your overall quality of life. This burden can be compounded when another party was at fault for your injury. Victims can suffer amputations as a result of a motor vehicle, maritime, or construction accident, as well as disease or medical malpractice. These injuries can impact the victim’s ability to perform daily routines, and require ongoing care and modifications to the home. For nearly 50 years, our team at Law Offices of Richard R. Kennedy in Lafayette, LA, have pursued those responsible for loss of limb accidents, and can help you achieve the compensation you deserve. To discuss your case in detail, contact an amputation lawyer today.
Types of Amputations
Broadly speaking, there are two types of amputations:
- Traumatic Amputation – While it is true that all amputations are traumatic, the term refers to the circumstances that led to the loss of limb. Traumatic amputations are unexpected, sudden, and can be violent. They involve the partial or complete severing of a body part, such as a leg, arm, finger, toe, or hand.
- Surgical Amputation – Whereas traumatic amputations happen without warning, surgical amputations are decided upon beforehand. They take place in surgery, often out of medical necessity following an accident. To save a patient from systemic infection, for example, a doctor may determine surgical amputation is necessary.
If someone else’s negligence contributed to an accident that resulted in a traumatic amputation or required a surgical amputation, we can hold the appropriate party accountable. If a doctor performed a surgical amputation when not medically necessary, our team can help you secure reparations for your hardship.
Losing a limb can result in permanent lifestyle changes, impacting your overall quality of life.

Causes of Amputations
There are several circumstances that may necessitate an amputation, including:
- Accidents – An accident involving a motor vehicle, bicycle, defective tools, construction equipment, firearms, or explosives may result in an amputation.
- Infection – After a significant burn or gunshot wound, the affected area can lose blood supply, which makes it difficult to fight infection. If an infected limb endangers a patient’s life, a surgeon may deem it medically necessary to remove.
If another party was responsible for your accident, our team can ensure they are held accountable for your expenses as well as your pain and suffering.
The Cost of Losing a Limb
Losing a limb can result in permanent lifestyle changes, impacting your overall quality of life. You may require long-term rehabilitation, in addition to special care and equipment. The cost of losing a limb can be expensive, especially if you account for:
- Initial treatment and rehabilitation
- Medication
- Prosthetics
- Wheelchair and home modifications
- Mental health visits
- Temporary or permanent loss of income
While compensation cannot reverse the affects of an accidents, it can help to relieve the financial burden of extensive injuries.
Contact Us to Find Out More
If you have experienced an amputation and believe another party may be responsible, contact the amputation lawyers at Law Offices of Richard R. Kennedy. With our extensive resources and knowledge, our seasoned attorneys can help you secure maximum compensation. To learn more, contact us online or call (337) 232-1934 today.
We Fight to Win Fair Compensation
Legal deadlines, medical bills, lost wages, and the pain that lingers after an accident can build up and feel overwhelming. The Law Offices of Richard R. Kennedy in Lafayette, Louisiana, offer the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have diligent, committed personal injury attorneys on your side. Our injury lawyers, Richard R. Kennedy and Richard R. Kennedy III are personally committed to success in every case they take. They have won millions on behalf of injured clients, such as a 1.7 million jury verdict for a collision between two 18-wheelers.
If you’re interested in learning more about how our noted personal injury attorneys can help you, contact our law firm either by leaving a message online or calling: